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About the Artist

I create my artwork from my studio in the Dandenong Ranges. The forest on my doorstep provides me with constant connection to nature. Inspiration comes from experiencing other landscapes, but I love to come home to the 'Hills'.


The magic behind moments in the landscape bring me a sense of delight and awe. When I am in nature, I feel a sense of connection. I belong to nature, I feel the underlying spirit in the land and I know myself as an interconnected part of it all.


Moments of awe are unexpected. It could be the way the sun suddenly lights a curtain of raindrops against a dark forest backdrop; It could be the look of acknowledgement in the eye of a bird or animal as they cross my path; it might be the dramatic roiling clouds of an approaching thunderstorm. 


My challenge is to express these moments in my art. It is a continuing journey that changes and evolves with me.



I have been exhibiting my work since 2004. I have taken part in eight group exhibitions and twelve solo and collaborative exhibitions.  My most recent exhibition titled ‘Listening to the Land’ was in 2020 in Melbourne. The last few years have been a time of rest and reflection, but 2023 sees me back in the studio creating new works.






© Copyright Wendy Havard 2023. All rights reserved.  Images of artist's work may not be reproduced, copied, used or shared in any way without the written permission of the artist.

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